Let's get this straight from the start: I don't pretend to have any experience as a real whore. I'm a Camille Paglia type with just enough nerve to get my toes a tiny bit wet, and for all I know, she's done the same. Whores have always fascinated me, and I couldn't believe my luck when I found a way to be one, sort of, without any real risk. My experience in that regard in Second Life, presented here in 29 episodes, is the foundation of this effort, but I hope to include a lot more in the way of whore and whore-related information, stories and pictures.

Chapter 19 Home and Away

When I was furnishing my house, I decided I needed a bidet. Every whore should have one, don't you think? It's part of whore lore. Spiked heels, hearts of gold and bidets. And you'd think, considering the escort population in SL, that you'd have a wide selection to choose from, but that's not the case. I found only one and there wasn't much to it. I can't remember now specifically what it lacked, but what purpose would a virtual bidet serve if you couldn't look good using it?
My house didn't have a bathroom, but the bedroom was pretty big, and I thought a bathtub and a bidet would look just fine next to my brass bed. I bought a nice old-fashioned tub with legs and settled for a toilet with the tank up on the wall. Both plain white. And although neither had elaborate poses, I could relax and soap myself in the tub and I thought I looked pretty cute on the toilet. It even flushed.
The brass bed had no sex poses. My plan was to keep clients away from my house. For quite a while I'd rented a skybox with a sex bed, sex shower and sex table. I didn't need to bring anyone home. The skybox would be my office; my house would be my getaway. I'd dabble in decorating. I'd have coffee or cocktails with friends on my terrace. I'd try out different outfits in my bedroom. Eventually, once I got everything up to speed, I might have parties, and maybe even turn my wine cellar into a fancy sex room, reserved for friends.
A few weeks before I quit SL I acquired a personal assistant. A sweet girl named Jes. She served me coffee in bed every morning, drew my bath, and carried a notepad for keeping track of the chores I gave her. She was good at dealing with tradesmen and teaching me virtual skills. When I left, I gave her a tidy little sum of lindens to show my appreciation for all that she'd done for me. It's not often that you find someone who is loyal, dependable, not too demanding, and at the same time, smart as a whip. I haven't heard from her since I left. Maybe my abrupt departure hurt her feelings. I don't know, but I can't think of my house without thinking of Jes. In a very short time she became a fixture there, and I miss her a lot.

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